New Mates Leather backpack for thermo |El Boyero YAT-2569-SUELA USD 159.98 Practical backpack for thermos made of authentic cow leather. 1.4 lt thermos capacity. Double leather handle and adjustable shoulder straps. Ecologic leather lined interior for better cleaning. Pocket outside. El Boyero, high quality leather products. The price is only for the thermos backpack. Add to cart
Alpaca and gourd mates 'Imperial' gourd and nickel mate |El Boyero JCO-60 USD 77.77 Mate made of gourd and nickel. Imperial Argentinean mate. Engraved contour rim and smooth ferrule. The wood must be cured before use. (Click here to see how to cure a gourd mate) Buy your handcrafted mate at El Boyero. The price is only for the mate. Add to cart